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NEW!! Blackhole-Bigbang Theory: work in progress

We explain this new Bigbang expansion theory modeling a blackhole reversed timelapse by graphical demonstration. Why does it mater? Our model explains posibilities of circumstellar flat-disk systems that potentially host intelligent life, such as our Solar System.

See Graphical Demo:

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Open Source Framework Project: (DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/M58W2)

Paper Abstract Announcement, Acceptance for IEEE/Institute of Navigation (IEEE/ION)

Our abstract, titled “Overcoming Inverse-square Law of Gravitation and Luminosity for Interstellar Hyperspace Navigation by Celestial Objects” has been accepted for the IEEE/ION PLANS 2023 Conference, taking place April 24-27, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency Monterey, in Monterey, California. Our paper is currently in peer-review. We’re looking for feedback and comment.

Access Pre-print:

We’re commiting to Open Research Framework models; our on-going research projects are available publicly at:

Faster-than-light travel method and process – DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/DVS2B

Hyperspace and Interstellar Travel: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/SX5RQ

International Astronautical Congress Conference #iac2022

Hsss Science: Spaceship Design with Microgravity Engines

Video created by inhouse graphic designer Ethan Jordan.

Hsss Science Promotion Lightning Talk for #iac2022 conference at Paris 2022